merDe avhandlingar som finns listade här är författade av medarbetare med anställning på RMV. Uppdatering sker i samband med att informationen sammanställs avdelningsvis.
Rättsgenetik och rättskemi
Gerd Jacobsson, Oxycodone in Forensic Toxicology : Analytical Strategies and Interpretation. (Linköping University), 2022
Yvonne Lood, Testosterone Use and Abuse: Methodological Aspects in Forensic Toxicology and Clinical Diagnostics. (Linköping University), 2021
Pernilla Haage, Forensic Toxicological Aspects of Tramadol: Focus on Enantioselective Drug Disposition and Pharmacogenetics. (Linköping University), 2018
Gunnel Nilsson, Zopiclone degradation in biological samples Characteristics and consequences in forensic toxicology. (Linköping University), 2014
Salumeh Bastami, Practical and clinical use of opioids. Linköping University, 2013
Svante Vikingsson, Development of new methodology for therapeutic drug monitoring of thiopurine treatment. Linköping University, 2012
Louise Karlsson, P-glycoprotein and chiral antidepressant drugs: Pharmacokinetic, pharmacogenetic and toxicological aspects. Linköping University, 2012
Maria Kingbäck, Genetic influence on enantiometric drug disposition: Focus on venlafaxine and citalopram. Linköping University, 2011
Andreas Tillmar, Populations and Statistics in Forensic Genetics. (Linköping University), 2010
Anna-Lena Zackrisson, Pharmacogenetics from a forensic perspective: CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 genotype distributions in autopsy cases. (Linköping University), 2009
Maria Dolores Chermá Yeste, Therapeutic drug monitoring in psychiatry – some aspects of utility in clinical practice and research. Linköpings University, 2009
Anna K. Jönsson, Drugrelated morbidity and mortality – pharmacoepidemiological aspects. Linköping University, 2007
Helena Malmström, Ancient DNA as a Means to Investigate the European Neolithic. Uppsala University, 2007
Per Holmgren, Postmortem toxicology – aspects on interpretation. Linköping University, 2004
Fredrik C. Kugelberg, Chiral and toxicological aspects of citalopram: An experimental study in rats. Linköping University, 2003
Björn Carlsson, From achiral to chiral analysis of citalopram. Linköping University, 2003
Robert Kronstrand, Analytical and toxicological aspects of drug incorporation into human hair. Linköping University. (Linköping University), 2001
Åke Norberg, Clinical pharmacokinetics of intravenous ethanol: Relationship between the ethanol space and the total body water. Stockholm (Karolinska Institutet), 2001
Stergios Kechagias, Clinical pharmacokinetics of small doses of ethanol: role of gastric emptying and other influences in the upper gastrointestinal tract. Linköping University, 2001
Gunilla Holmlund, The polymorphism of the minisatellite system D2S44. (Linköping University), 1999
Carl Söderberg, Evaluation of postmortem toxicological results, 2019
Fredrik Tamsen, Skadescore för objektiv kvantifiering av skador på mordoffer, metod och tillämpning, 2019
Lotta Waltz, Consequences of inadequate use of glucose lowering drugs and associated risk factors, 2019
Gopalakrishnan Dhanabalan, Impact of alcohol and drug abuse on hippocampal neurogenesis in humans, 2018
Mensura Junuzovic, Firearm deaths in Sweden epidemiology with emphasis on accidental deaths and prevention, 2018
Brita Zilg, Postmortem analyses of vitreous fluid, 2015
Jean Francois Michard, Le territoire du médecin légiste, éthique et épistémologie de l’expertise médico-judiciaire, 2014
Michael D Freeman, The Role of forensic epidemiology in evidence-based forensic medical practice, 2013
Lena Lundholm, Substance use and violence. Influence of alcohol, illicit drugs and anabolic androgenic steroids on violent crime and self-directed violence, 2013
Helge Brändström, Accidental hypothermia and local cold injury: Physical and epidemiological studies on risk, 2012
Carl Johan Wingren, The Epidemiology of Childhood Celiac Disease: A Social Epidemiological Perspective on Perinatal Factors, 2012
Kanar Alkass, External and intrinsic signatures in teeth to assist in identification work, 2011
Lars Johansson, Teenager fatalities. Epidemiology and implications for prevention, 2010
Anna Petersson, Characteristics and consequences of use of anabolic androgenic steroids in poly substance abuse, 2008
Fia Klötz, Anabolic androgenic steroids and criminality, 2008
Lydia Bennedich Kahn, Neurotrophins and nitric oxide in relation to airway responses in experimental asthma in vivo, 2008
Eva Rudd, Genetic and cellular studies of familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, 2007
Joakim Strandberg, Toxicological studies of drug related-deaths, 2007
Stina Enqvist, Finding and defining amyloidogenic proteins. Licentiate, 2005
Susan Sprogøe-Jakobsen, Immunhistokemisk undersøgelse og aldersbestemmelse af tidlig myokardieinfarkt. (Syddansk Universitet), 2004
Riitta Kauppila, Sudden and unexpected natural and violent deaths in females in comparison to deaths in males. (Helsinki university), 2003
Petra Råsten Almqvist, Sudden infant death syndrome – a medico-legal study of related cardiovascular, toxicological and genetic findings, 2002
Ulf Jonasson, Studier av bruket av dextropropoxifen ur ett folkhälsoperspektiv. Påverkan av ett regelverk, 2001
Birgitta Jonasson, Studies on dextropropoxyphene with special reference to dependency among chronic pain patients, classification of the manner of death in fatal poisonings, and characteristics of the fatal poisoning victims, 2000
Bengt Johansson, Cytoskeletal proteins in the human cardiovascular system,1999
Ingemar Thiblin, Anabolic androgenic steroids and violence. A medico legal and experimental study, 1999
Irena Dawidson, Studies on the influence of sensory stimulation (acupuncture) on neuropeptide release in the saliva,1999
Henrik Druid, Experimental acute renal failure and anticoagulation,1998
Thore Karlsson, A multivariate approach to the interpretation of patterns in homicidal and suicidal sharp force fatalities,1997
Anders Ottosson, Histamine receptors and neuropeptides in the cranial circulation,1996
Harmeet Sjögren, Injuries among the elderly. Study of fatal and non-fatal injury events, 1994
Mats Öström, Vehicle-related injuries with emphasis on fatality prevention, 1993
Marie Allen, Genetic typing of HLA polymorphism: application to studies of disease association and forensic medicine,1995
Lars Eriksson, Intracellular amyloid. A study of chroid plexus epithelial cells and adreanal cortical cells,1991
Håkan Sandler, Thrombin-induced microembolism in the rat : pathogenetic studies, 1985
Anders Eriksson, Intermediate sized skeletin filaments of heart purkinje fibers, an investigation into their morphology, composition and function, 1979
Christian Baudin, (2021). Recidivism and Static-99R risk assessments in a Swedish cohort of mentally disordered sexual offenders. (Doktorsavhandling, Göteborgs universitet, Göteborg). http://hdl.handle.net/2077/68060
Malin Pauli, (2020). Delineating the construct of psychopathy : psychometric evidence of alternative measures. (Doktorsavhandling, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm). Hämtad från https://openarchive.ki.se/xmlui/handle/10616/47328
Jonas Forsman, (2019). The toxicological pharmacoepidemiology of suicide: Population-based studies on psychotropic-medication use in Sweden. (Doktorsavhandling, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm). Hämtad från https://openarchive.ki.se/xmlui/handle/10616/46609
Jonathan Hedlund, (2018). Child and adult homicide in Sweden: Epidemiological and forensic features. (Doktorsavhandling, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm). Hämtad från https://openarchive.ki.se/xmlui/handle/10616/46254
Shilan Caman, (2017). Intimate partner homicide rates and characteristics. (Doktorsavhandling, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm). https://openarchive.ki.se/xmlui/handle/10616/45867
Anna-Kari Sjödin, (2017). Offenders of intimate partner violence: Aggressive antisocial behavior and mental health. (Doktorsavhandling, Göteborgs Universitet, Göteborg). Hämtad från https://gupea.ub.gu.se/handle/2077/52413
Kristina Sygel, (2016). Simulation in the assessment and treatment of violent offenders. (Doktorsavhandling, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm). Hämtad från https://openarchive.ki.se/xmlui/handle/10616/44998
Ola Ståhlberg, (2015). Comorbidity across childhood-onset neuropsychiatric disorders. (Doktorsavhandling, Göteborg Universitet, Göteborg). Hämtad från http://hdl.handle.net/2077/38352
Karolina Sörman, (2015). The psychopathy construct in a Swedish context: Conceptualization and validation of different assessments. (Doktorsavhandling, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm). Hämtad från https://openarchive.ki.se/articles/thesis/The_psychopathy_construct_in_a_Swedish_context_conceptualization_and_validation_of_different_assessments/26915266?file=48959392
Sara Bromander, (2013). Neurobiological markers for personality, inflammation and stress: A naturalistic study in knee arthroplastic patients. (Doktorsavhandling, Göteborgs Universitet, Göteborg). Hämtad från https://gupea.ub.gu.se/handle/2077/32003
Joakim Sturup, (2011). Violent behavior and violent victimization in general psychiatric patients – prevalence and prediction. (Doktorsavhandling, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm). Hämtad från https://openarchive.ki.se/xmlui/handle/10616/40511
Åsa Eriksson, (2010). Schizophrenia and criminal offending: Risk factors and the role of treatment. (Doktorsavhandling, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm). Hämtad från https://openarchive.ki.se/xmlui/handle/10616/38625
Katarina Howner, (2010). Offenders with mental disorder: Psychosocial and neurobiological aspects. (Doktorsavhandling, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm). Hämtad från https://openarchive.ki.se/xmlui/handle/10616/40337
Ulrika Haggård-Grann, (2005). Violence among mentally disordered offenders: Risk and protective factors. (Doktorsavhandling, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm). Hämtad från https://openarchive.ki.se/xmlui/handle/10616/37934
Henrik Anckarsäter, (2002). Neuropsychiatric background factors to violent crime. (Doktorsavhandling, Göteborgs Universitet, Göteborg). https://www.avhandlingar.se/avhandling/a2537cf9e5/
Marianne Kristiansson, (1997). Aspects on the cytokine load in trauma: With special reference to blood components and local versus systemic cytokine activity. (Doktorsavhandling, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm).